SBGUS has been actively engaged in empowering marginalized women with various training and support services. As part of this strategy, the organization launched a programme for providing leadership training to women from minority communities. The initiative is intended with building leadership skills of these women in various aspects of life including politics. A well-reviewed training manual is used to impart the training which is facilitated by a batch of expert leadership trainers. As part of the training, women are trained to interact with government functionaries including police, banks, various service providers and the general public. Some part of the training is also focused on women’s collective power in claiming their rights. Periodic follow up activities are carried out to support and nurture those who take up various relevant works after the training. During 2018-19, a total of 6 such trainings were organized in 6 different locations in minority concentrated communities with an emphasis on the most marginalized communities in terms of social status, political participation and other indicators of marginalization. A total of 200 women have been directly reached with the training. In addition to the direct training provided to these women, an effort has also been made to utilize the improved skills of these trained women in developing life-skills and leadership skills in other women with whom they are connected. The directly trained women are organized in groups are supported in imparting limited training to other women in the community. It has shown a new window to many women who had confined their life in the limited domestic sphere under patriarchal norms. However, it has been realized that for real changes in women’s leadership status, the programme needs to be more continuous and needs to include simultaneous intensive interventions to break gender norms and support emerging women leaders.