If you want the cooperation of human around you, you must make them feel that they are important and you do that by being genuine and humble___Nelson Mandela
With these words I, as the President of South Borband Gram Unnayan Samity (SBGUS) thanking the entire teamof this institution for valuing human life and treating them humbly, showing them a beauty of a good life. This comes from immense hard work of our team and support from the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India, and the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India. The organization has intensified and improved its actions and strategies to make some notable achievements with new opportunities opening up in the domains of drug abused, care and protection of senior citizens, Farmers development etc., we are looking forward to a comprehensive and bright future. There are some challenges such as increasing needs of people on humanitarian ground and the shrinking resources we have with us, we assure you that we are trying to address these issues through exploring ways to increase diversity as well as self-reliance in our funding sources.
South Borband Gram Unnayan Samity (SBGUS has increased its efforts in human resourcedevelopment along with training of the regular staff, the organization has taken initiatives tostrengthen the capacity of the volunteers and others involved with its various projects. And above all, none of this would have also been possible without the support of our volunteers, philanthropy partners, beneficiaries and the relentless effort of the staff engaged with different projects. I take this opportunity to thank each one them and look forward to an even brighter future.